Released in July, 2024
New Features
- In FedRAMP environments, the number of supported Dashboard tabs is increased to 15.
Released in June, 2024
New Features
- Improved view of log details in JSON: Select formatted or view raw data, see the size of the log, see if the JSON is partial or complete.
- The teamEmails field is now inheritable in the alert config file.
Released in May, 2024
New Features
- The SentinelOne logo was updated throughout the Event Search UI. The new logo represents SentinelOne’s AI-powered cybersecurity platform.
Bug Fixes
- Shortcut parameters are now recognized as valid in Singularity Data Lake queries.
Released in April, 2024
- Fixed issue where users continue to receive disabled “Log Category Notifications” from the “Billing & Usage” page.
- Fixed issue where users receive the wrong error message when attempting to access a dashboard that does not exist: “Unauthorized to query one or more accounts specified in the request, including this account”.
- Fixed issue where the /logParseTester does not preview the discardAttributes property.
Released in March, 2024
New Features
- Addition of skipNumericConversion parser parameter to prevent string to numeric conversion and preserve leading zeros, for example with a postal code.
- Grouped Alerts are now GA.
- Fixed issue where the honeyCombGroupBy parameter in a honeycomb graph crashes the dashboard.
- Fixed issue where a dashboard with trailing spaces in the name cannot be opened in another browser tab.
Released in February, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue that prevented the sending of alert notifications.
- Fixed a memory leak in the OpenTelemetry DataSet Exporter.
- Fixed issue where a POST alert webhook for “Power Query Results” creates invalid JSON.
- Fixed issue where the Parsers page cannot be viewed, with the message “Something went wrong. Please try again and if the issue persists contact Support.”
- Fixed issue where a graph with the “Compare To” feature shows the wrong function in the legend.
Released in January, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where users are unable to create
- Fixed issue where a JavaScript error shows instead of an error message when a Team cannot be found for linking.
- Fixed issue where large numbers are rounded.
- Fixed issue where a log message that begins and ends with double quotes shows in Search with single quotes.
- Fixed issue where default display settings only show system fields in Search.
- Fixed issue on the Logs page: if a parser is used by more than one log file, clicking “show more” does not show the log files.
- Fixed issue where the PowerQueries page repeatedly shows recent searches.
- Fixed issue where the display of log lines strips trailing spaces.
Released in December, 2023
New Features
- Increased the number of tabs supported in Dashboards from 10 to 15.
- Added the dataset PowerQuery command to import a lookup table.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where text input renders as markup in confirmation windows.
- Fixed issue with PowerQueries exported to CSV: a single quote is added in front of a negative number value, for example “‘-1”.
- Fixed issue where a user cannot update Display Settings, and receives the error “Something went wrong. Please try again and if the issue persists contact Support.”
- Fixed issue where a user cannot update the Theme (light or dark mode), and receives the error “Something went wrong. Please try again and if the issue persists contact Support.”
- Fixed issue where negative timestamp values render incorrectly. For example, -11644473600000, the Win32 epoch date of Jan. 1, 1601, rendered as April 24th 1966.
- Fixed issue where Cross Team Searches fail when a deleted account is included.
- Fixed issue where the PowerQuery autocomplete feature does not work when the first character is typed.
- Fixed issue where a Dashboard error shows a raw status code instead of a message.
Released in November, 2023
New Features
- Support setting “severity” in AlertConfigFile for compatibility with PagerDuty v2 APIs
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue the search helper returning string matches for boolean fields
- Fixed issue with a user with multiple roles being too restricive for dashboards and searches
- Added warning for when a config file has been updated while a user is still editing the same file in the UI.
Released in October, 2023
New Features
- Added new Power Query Geo Functions to search helper
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with broken dashboard link when clicking through slices of pie chart
- Fixed issue with “copy link” for dashboards with spaces in their names
- Fixed issue with webhook notifications failing to destinations with a self-signed certificate
Released in September, 2023
New Features
- (Grouped)Per-team and multi-team alerts supported
- Provide optimized sharing link that narrows time range based on results
Bug Fixes
- Fixed TypeError issue with Dataset Grafana Cloud
Released in August, 2023
New Features
- Support for Cross-team Alerts
- Added export feature for honeycomb dashboard panel
- Added export feature for table dashboard panel
- Added autocomplete for new array functons
- Salesforce monitor to ingest SFDC Event logs
Released in July, 2023
New Features
- Increased number of dashboard tabs supported to 15
- Added support for method chaining in PQ search helper
- Added a Note filed in alerts emails
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with grayed out facet bar
- Fixed example messaging in PQ menu
- Fixed issue with cmd-click of dashboard not opening correct dashboard
- Fixed issue with "Move to Tab" button
- Fixed scrolling issue on config files page
Released in June, 2023
New Features
- Added support to Dataset Agent for handling updated K8s API paths
- Added team info to log overage notification emails
- Cross-team query support in Dataset Grafana plugin
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with double clicking numbers in UI
- Fixed issue with Shift + Enter key behavior in Powerquery text area
Released in May, 2023
New Features
- Added a note section in the alert edit/creation dialog
- Dashboard search now highlights your search string in results
- Adding alerts now has a simple and advanced mode
- Cross-team query support for Grafana Plugin
Bug Fixes
- Fixed dashboard custom filters error when saved twice
- Fixed autocomplete for Source and Logfile search box
- Fixed issue with autoUpdateSearch configuration
- Fixed issue with unsaved parser config error
Released in April, 2023
New Features
- Dataset Agent binaries for Linux Deployments - removes most external dependencies for installing the agent
- Power Queries Language Enhancements - arrays functions added
- Office365 Dataset Monitor
- Added ability to save to a specific dashboard tab
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue for evaluation period is reset to 1m when editing a PowerQuery alert
- Fixed issue for query truncation on login after session expires
- Fixed issue with random stops for Windows Agent
- Fixed high restart count for Scalyr Agent in Kubernetes
Released in March, 2023
New Features
- Power Alerts (Alerts based on Power Queries)
- 30 day lookback periods for alerts
- Added search to Dashboard menu
- Added Trigger and Resolve UI for Webhook based alerts
- Alert notification links now includes the time ranges that were set in the alerts
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Cursor pointer in the search input does not follow text changes on undo/redo
- Fixed issue with hover state of PQ bar charts
- Fixed issue with chart download on dashbaords
- Fixed less frequent email alert notifications in certain situations
Released in February, 2023
New Features
- New Power Query Functions
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with PQ transpose when grouping by 3 columns
- Display PQ Memory Limit warning message in view-in-search mode
- Fixed issue with alert resolution notifications sent via webhooks
- Fixed issue with missing parser information in UI
Released in January, 2023
New Features
- Added support for Esc to cancel search
- Mimecast monitor
- Github Audit monitor
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Date/Time Picker
- Fixed issue with Windows event log monitor
- Fixed issue with formatted timestamps
Released in December, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with unique values count on facet bar
- Added error message when PQ charts exceed maximum timebuckets
- Added error message for 30-day limits on Reports
Released in November, 2022
New Features
- Introduce log-archive-rules API
- Github Audit Monitor
Bug Fixes
- Adjusted tool tip icon for templated alerts
- Fixed text selection search
- Updated error specific retry settings for logstash plugin
- Fixed overage notification link
Released in October, 2022
New Features
- Updated Pagerduty Integration to use new Pagerduty APIs
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with edit alerts
- Fixed issue with PQ autocomplete
- Fixed escape logic in Inspect Log Line links
- Fixed issue with webhook notification when parsed_logs flag is included
Released in September, 2022
New Features
- Support non-time based X-axis charts for Power Queries
- Improve query API error response for 429 error
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with ‘Save as Alert’ button from graphs page
- Fixed issue with new saved searches needing a page reload
- Fixed issue with Hindsight usage page
- Fixed issue with dashboard names cut off when multiple tabs are enabled
Released in August, 2022
New Features
- Obfuscate API Keys on API Keys page
- Added Honeycomb visualization option in dashboards
- Added option to add bars visualizations to tables
- Alert webhooks now allows custom request headers
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with comparison graph
- Fixed issue with bulk export stuck at zero percent
- Fixed time formatting errors when using batch export to S3
- Fixed post graph to slack integration
- Fixed issue with new user email invitations
- Fixed save PQ to dashboard with tabs
Released in July, 2022
New Features
- Power Query text field now expands dynamically
- Timeframe is now kept when switching from search to dashboards
- New Network Functions for power queries
- Dashboard Tabs now supported
- New parsedLogs and pqResults substitution tokens for alert messages
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with search graph when facet lists are small
- Fixed issue with future dated dashboard graphs
- Fixed issue with timestamp formatting in Power Alerts notifications
- Fixed issue with token error when switching teams
Released in June, 2022
New Features
- Support for cross-team search in PQ APIs
- Support Copy to Markdown on Search Page
Bug Fixes
- Fixed malformed Slack Webhooks payload
- Fixed JSON attribute formatting
- Fixed issue with time displayed on bar charts
Released in May, 2022
New Features
- Grafana Cloud support for Dataset plugin
- Freeze top row of table widget in dashboards
Bug Fixes
- Deleting alerts requires confirmation
- Fixed filters list in dashboard to wrap around
- Fixed issue with saving alerts with default settings
- Fixed search filter text toolbar for mobile view
Released in April, 2022
New Features
- Added CSV download option for search results
- Added default expression for public Rest API
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ability to copy and paste text from table view
- Fixed issue with smooth lines in graphs
Released in March, 2022
New Features
- Added 60 and 90 day retention self-service plans
- Added dynamic bucketing for bar charts in graph page
- Added click to filter based on segment of pie chart
- Added feature to show/hide columns in search results
- Added adjustable width of facet bar
- Added source link to copy to markdown feature
Bug Fixes
- Fixed SSO login issue
- Fixed view alert link in alert email notification
- Fixed auto update of graphs when updating dashboard filters
- Fixed highlighting of matches in results when new search is issued
- Fixed graph day-light savings time issue
- Fixed transition from dashboards to PowerQuery results
Released in February, 2022
New Features
- Cross Team Search on Dashboards via JSON
- Expose CPU usage in logs
- Updated view for Dataset
Bug Fixes
- Display white space prefixes in parsing editor
- Removed extra pop-up when switching teams
- Fixed dashboad links with 404 errors
- Fixed muting of templated alerts
Released in January, 2022
New Features
- Cross-team search support in query APIs
- Ability to select mulitple facet values on search page
- Update scalyr-java-client to support new timeseriesQuery flags
- Ability to edit a saved search
Bug Fixes
- Update PQ graphs error message
- Fixed: Reset password for emails with “+” characters
- Fixed: Parser Editor to display XML properly
Released in December, 2021
New Features
- Added feature to set default homepage at login
- Added legend on power query graphs
- Added search bar to dashboard page
Bug Fixes
- Fixed blurry text in dark mode
- Fixed calculated values in alerts detail
- Fixed full logs loading issue in UI
- Fixed Dashboard actions menu
Released in November, 2021
New Features
- Added time zone preferences setting
- Added feature to get log overage notification based on percentage
- Added stack trace preview and expand in log search
- Added ability to pin log details drawer
Bug Fixes
- Adjust alert time series graph based on function
- Account billing plan - show updated plan details
- Fixed = operator not working on message field
- Fixed distribution graphs with dashboard parameters
Released in October, 2021
New Features
- Added graph visualizations to Power Queries page
- Handle large facet values in tables
- Make team names editable
Bug Fixes
- Allow readLog user to see parsers
- Fixed SAML provisioning error
- Fixed “Stacked” PQ in Dashboard
- Update data point timestampes when using timeshift
- Fixed display of facet value when matching both “contains” and “=”
Released in September, 2021
New Features
- Added ability to set timezone in Search View
- Right panels on Search Graph is resizable
- Pretty print json in log inspection drawer
- Updated user permissions level display
Bug Fixes
- Updated templated alert warnings
- Fixed distribution graph of negative values
- Fixed Filter Results box in dashboard PQs
- Fixed recent log volume color bars
Released in August, 2021
New Features
- Handle large facet values
- New UI for adjusting donut/pie graphs
- Added ability to share single log line in search
Bug Fixes
- Fixed duplicate team listing on Teams page
- Fixed issue with Alerts page viewing
- Fixed issue with saving a search to an unknown dashboard
- Fixed issue with persisting Display Settings after refresh
Released in July, 2021
New Features
- Added keyboard navigable dropdown menus
- Copy to Clipboard now supprts markdown, text and json formats
- Added more download options for power queries
- Improve Json formatting in Inspect Field drawer
Bug Fixes
- Fixed limited user permissions for overview page
- Fixed invalid search error when switching accounts
- Fixed trigger options display in Dark Mode
Released in June, 2021
New Features
- Improvements to Dashboard Create Dialog Box
- Groups support for Okta SCIM
- Support SAML JIT Provisioning
- Support float values in number graph
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Original Log option in Live Tail
- Fixed with of search progress bar
- Fixed issue with dashboard due to incompatiable types
- Fixed area chart display error
Released in May, 2021
New Features
- New User Permissions role now supported
Bug Fixes
- Saved search honors column selection
- Fixed issue with logs not fully loading
- Improved error messaging when user lacks permission
- Fixed validation for bulk export time range
Released in April, 2021
New Features
- Search Autocomplete
- Link to PowerQuery from Dashboard Graphs
- Added ability to edit saved searches
- Set units for single number dashboard element
Bug Fixes
- Fixed invalid dashboard error message for valid configuration
- Fixed issue with display settings not applied to download feature
- Parser log sample box is now scrollable
- Wrapping log lines in Inpect Log Line drawer
Released in March, 2021
New Features
- Preserve state when saving a compare graph to a dashboard
- Added distribution and time delta graph types
Bug Fixes
- Fixed correct messaging for accessing disabled accounts
- Search Bar support for US International Keyboard Layout
Released in February, 2021
New Features
- Added hidden dashboard parameters
- Added ability to build a pie, number or donut graph via UI
- Cross Team search support in the new UI
Bug Fixes
- Fixed display error in Cost management
- Fixed column sorting in new UI
- Fixed dashboard syntax in new UI
- Fixed “Uh-oh” message error
Released in January, 2021
New Features
- Added ability to dynaically resise PowerQuery results columns
- Optimize log detail drawer to maximize information density
Bug Fixes
- Resizing a dashboard graph no longer causes all graphs to reload
- Clicking on See in Original Log button will still keep current log line context in new UI
- Added additional metadata to audit logs for API key creation and deletion
- Fixed piechart mislabeled as “Untitled”
Released in December, 2020
New Features
- Support to add distribution graphs to dashboards in new UI
- Display team name in navbar
- Graph delta of two time periods
- Support to add compare graphs in new UI dashboards
- Added copy to clipboard button to log inspect drawer
Bug Fixes
- Fixed login error message for SAML
- Fixed dropoff at end of line charts in new UI
- Fixed issue with breakdown graph in new UI with a dot in the query
- Restored Save as New button to Alerts in new UI
- Fixed smart link display issue in UI
Released in November, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed new API key display in new UI
- Fixed dashboard renaming in new UI
- Fixed Log parser display in new UI
- Fixed Navbar when user exits livetail
Released in October, 2020
New Features
- New UI option made available
- Support for new visualizations in new UI Dashboards
- New log inspection drawer on log search page in new UI
Bug Fixes
- Return token from updateApiToken if token not found
- Invalid log severity levels will default to sev 0
Released in September, 2020
New Features
- Annotation support for Scalyr Grafana Plugin
Bug Fixes
- getApiTokenForDelegation API returns newest token
- Discard Filters can now discard logs based on severity
Released in August, 2020
New Features
- AWS Fargate Support
- Sum function added to search graph plots
Bug Fixes
- Fixed 400 Error in Log Processing page
Released in July, 2020
New Features
- Saved Searches can now be deleted via a menu icon
Bug Fixes
- getApiTokenForDeleationAccount returns newest token
- Export ot S3 supports wildcard filters
Released in June, 2020
New Features
- Scalyr Kafka Connector Released
- Scalyr LogStash Plugin Released
- Added support for Opsgenie EU endpoint
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Dashboard to multiplot graph view
- Gracefully handle disabled team accounts
Released in May, 2020
New Features
- Scalyr Logstash Plugin Released
Bug Fixes
- Report proper error for malformed search query
- Fix partial results for Power Queries over long periods
Released in April, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with breakdown graphs in dashboards
- Report error when breakdown graphs are saved as alerts
- Unchecked reminder box in alerts no longer sends emails
Released in March, 2020
New Features
- Highlighting of matched part of filter in search results
Bug Fixes
- Fixed “renotify period” checkbox in alerts edit page
- Alerts now displayes when using percentile in trigger
- ymax and ymin parameters now appear on “new” dashboard graphs
Released in February, 2020
New Features
- Scalyr Grafana plugin released
Bug Fixes
- Added elipises to show full text of previously trunkated text.
- Added a sidebar pullout that shows facet details.
Released in January, 2020
New Features
- Logrithmic graph support for Long Running Queries
Bug Fixes
- Fixed parsing of two digit years
- Alert details graphs now always renders threshold line.
- Fixed incorrect short URLs from Long Running Queries.
- Fixed slack integration error
Released in December, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Search timeout bug for time range
- Dialog boxes can now be dismissed by clicking outside the box
- Alert recipients can be seperated by commas
Released in November, 2019
New Features
- Scalyr Grafana Plugin Released
- Extend alert trigger expression to support time-shifted evaluation window
- Reduced timeouts for Power Queries
- Close “Inspect Fields” dialog via escape key
Bug Fixes
- Fixed divider logic on user menu
- Fixed live tail on browser reload
- Hide invalid parsers that are displayed in parser page
Released in October, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed download feature for raw log lines.
- Fixed output of powerquery timestamp facet as string instead of integer.
- Fixed issue with Shared Search continuation token.
- Modal windows now exit only when Cancel or the X is pushed to dismiss.
Released in September, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Downloading Logs for Long Running Queries
- Fixed display of facets in table mode
- Copied Scalyr URL is consistent for LRQ
Released in August, 2019
New Features
- Alert links now support absolute time ranges
- Text highlighting of matched filter in search results
Bug Fixes
- Fixed posting graph to Slack
- Highlighting matched text with Smartlinks
Released in July, 2019
New Features
- Reduce Search Timeouts (Labs Feature) for queries over a long period of time
Bug Fixes
- Facet Page: Fixed sample rate display
- Power Query: Notification of error for complex regex
- Log Line: Log lines text now wraps consistently
- Graphs: Breakdown graphs now can show Average, Min and Max
- Continued UI and performance fixes
Released in June, 2019
New Features
- Logs page: Overview filter
- Integrations: Import CloudWatch logs
- PowerQueries: Download as CSV
Bug Fixes
- User Management: Fix malformed URLs in SSO user invites
- Search: Table view in live tail
- Search: Show all fields in Display Settings
- Search: Include server fields when dowlnoading logs
- Continued UI and performance fixes
Released in May, 2019
New Features
- PowerQueries: Add “actions” menu- save search, save to dashboard, copy link, etc.
- PowerQueries: Advanced highlighting for PowerQuery syntax errors
Bug Fixes
- Several UI and performance fixes
Released in April, 2019
New Features
- PowerQueries: a new set of commands for transforming and manipulating data
- Search: Show different icons for log lines for different severity levels
- Alerts: Include sample log lines in alerts sent via Slack, OpsGenie, and VictorOps
- Parsing: Whitelist and blacklist directives are now available for key/value rules in parsers
- Parsing: Allow time zone to be specified as a field in a log message
Bug Fixes
- Several UI and performance fixes
Released in March, 2019
New Features
- Dashboard: Queries are now split into chunks, in order to reduce the likelihood of graph timeouts
- Search: Improve user experience when query returns with an error status
- Ingestion: Improved support for logs with a large number of fields
- Ingestion: Parallelize S3 import to increase throughput
Bug Fixes
- User management: Fix permissions issue when users are removed from teams
- Alerts: Remove support for HipChat, which is now defunct
- Search: Miscellaneous UI fixes
Released in February, 2019
New Features
- Kubernetes: Enhanced Log Volume dashboard
- Alerts: Include log line details in PagerDuty alerts
Bug Fixes
- Alerts: Include sample log lines in alerts with grace periods
- Live Tail: Display long lines properly
- Graphs: Ensure facet list is displayed
- Graphs: Annotations UI improvements
- Search: Miscellaneous UI fixes
Released in January, 2019
New Features
- Kubernetes: At-a-glance cluster and controller display on logs page
- Kubernetes: Support for additional controller types
- Graphs: Experimental feature allowing users to annotate graphs. Currently available via labs
- Alerts: Include example log messages in emails for alerts using a grace period
- Agent: Send data via secure channel unless explicitly overridden
- Search: Retired chiclets search interface
Bug Fixes
- Graphs: Fix an issue with display of async-loaded graphs
- Graphs: Display consistent and useful messages for missing data.
- Documentation: Improved verbiage & install sequences, with an emphasis on secure uploads.
- Search: Exclude icon meta data when copy/pasting log lines in the UI
- Search: Address issues with various edge cases
- Kubernetes: Corrected kubernetes display and label issues for existing controllers.
Released in December, 2018
New Features
- Labs: Introducing Scalyr Labs, which allow users to test features that are not yet ready for general release
- Graphs: Post graphs from Scalyr to Slack. Currently available via labs
Released in November, 2018
New Features
- Search: Change default search box option from chiclets to highlighted text
- Search: Use the site-wide announcements bar to display notice of unsupported browser
- Search: For Kubernetes events, add Switch to > Pod Log
Released in October, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Search: Added an option to switch the search box to plaintext
- Search: Enabled direct editing of saved searches from the navigation bar
- Alerts: Include sample log lines in Slack alert notifications
- Documentation: Added search to documentation
- Squashed a variety of bugs
Released in September, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Documentation: make “new dashboards” docs page the default
- Homepage: Add basic support for Kubernetes clusters, deployments and labels
- Search: Set the focus to the search box when the page opens
- Search: Add new framework for keyboard shortcuts
- Search: Allow searching for fields with hyphens in the name (without backslash escaping)
- Search: Rename EXPAND button back to SHOW GRAPH
- Search: Extend field-based searching to lines mode and to system fields
- Search: Add new table view of results
Bug Fixes
- Alerts: After editing an alert, make sure user lands back on the same page
- Alerts: Fix muting alerts from the alert page resulting in an empty silence condition
- Billing: Fix graph results and add 7 day summary for trial users
- Dashboards: Make “View Classic Dashboards” go to classic dashboards
- Dashboards: Make long label names wrap/truncate
- Search: Fix chiclet editor eating first character of search term after select-all, delete-edit
- Search: Fix clicking on timeline shows partial render of table
- Search: Make bellytank “exclude” button work for key/value data
Released August 25, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Add an option to hide API keys in the UI
- Alerts new UI documentation changes
- Alerts UI - MVP Fit and Finish Items
- Copy edit new alerts UI documentation
- Include log messages in alert email
- Dashboard - Docs updates for Add add/edit UI controls for breakdown graphs
- Remove opt-out option from new alerts ui.
- Show search results in a table
- Usability tweaks for new Alerts
Bug Fixes
- Graphs: “Zoom to Selection” button obscures toolbar
- Add alert dialog should not default Description field to the search text
- Cannot Edit a Graph that has a label which has more than 60 characters and without punctuation marks
- Errors while creating graph (TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined)
- File Format Help link broken when editing user permissions file
- In Display Settings dialog, UP button does not work
- New search toolbar missing the “SEARCH:” label to the left of the search box
- While user is in distribution graph, a search query which leads to no results throws internal server error
Released August 11, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Alerts new UI documentation changes
- Copy edit new alerts UI documentation
- Dashboard doc formatting
- Remove opt-out option from new alerts ui
- Usability tweaks for new Alerts
Released August 04, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Add logging for classic dashboards usage
- Alerts UI tweaks from customer feedback
- Dashboard - Add add/edit UI controls for breakdown graphs
- Dashboard - Docs updates for Add add/edit UI controls for breakdown graphs
- Live Tail: Show last 10 seconds on start/resume
- Make the tilde in the estimated counts look less like a minus sign
- Optimize the new Alerts page for showing the triggered tab
Bug Fixes:
- Add graph - Error message doesn’t go away when you add a plot
- Bulkexport-UI - Status says pending when invalid bucket name is specified instead of Invalid bucket name butter message
- Cmd+Click on Settings->Dashboard JSON should open a JSON editor in New tab
- Deleting a chiclet launches a new search which ignores any in-progress edits
- Do not show the same butter when error messaging is shown on the page
- Graph view: “stacked bar chart” width selector does not reflect current selection
- serverHost should be cleared from the textarea in search field once queried
Released July 21, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Add option to display dates next to timestamp in search page
- Allow Longer Titles in Dashboard Graphs
- Display All Logs in “Logs” Dropdown
- Docs updates for Add option to display dates next to timestamp in search page
- Docs updates for Alerts list page revamp with tabbed UI
- Docs updates for Reuse Add As Alert dialog from Search page for editing alerts on Alert page
- Improve Live Tail UX
- Live Tail: relabel Stop button to “CLOSE”
- Modify events toolbar when buttons are collapsed to icons
- UI is showing inconsistent # of matches
- Persist timezone in query params
Bug Fixes:
- Can’t add dashboard to limited user permission if account has >10 dashboards
- Cannot create a breakdown graph to dashboard if values on RHS are unselected and then selected
- Enter on dialog form should close dialog
- Events/Graph - Add a shortcut checkbox to the top of the multi-plot or breakdown graph legend sidebar to select all or no series
- Graph view - If rate field text is long, it drops down
- Help Button on Add Plot Dialog uses aTag color
- Icons on slyInput not centered
- Log view settings dialog shows incorrect settings
- Logview settings - Once a parsed field is added, disable ADD button
- Plot colors revert back to a default color upon Facet Function change
- Regression: Classic dashboards sets end time to “undefined”
- Reuse Add As Alert dialog from Search page for editing alerts on Alert page
- Search View Displays Blank Right-Hand Column Upon minimising
- Unmuted Alerts should not be able to unmute
Released July 7, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Add Alerts history graph
- Add an download png option to graphs page
- Add Filtering Alerts
- Add server attributes to the Inspect Fields popup
- Additional pageData + JavaScript unit tests
- Alerts list page revamp with tabbed UI
- Change export of graphs to client-side
- Events/Graph - On a multi-plot or breakdown graph, detect which series the mouse is hovering over and highlight its
- Give the user the option to persist display settings across all their teams
- Make facets sidebar filterable
- Make the facet menu scrollable
- Remove “New UI Introduction” from Docs drop-down menu legend entry in the sidebar
Bug Fixes:
- “Show Logs” Button not Appearing in Graph View (resulting from clicking on dashboard graph)
- New Alerts page - Add padding between Nav bar and filter
- Prevent breakdown graphs on timestamp field
Released June 23, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- New alerts page (under lab)
- Implement delete dashboard button
Bug Fixes:
- Allow alert dialog to accept empty description
- From edit JSON page, ‘cancel’ button should redirect user back to the page they came from
- Logs Overview - Change the timeline graph link to go to a graph that shows the rate of added log entries instead of using our internal metrics
- Logs Overview - Link the overview page server names and IP addresses (shown on the far left column) to search filters
- Re-enable downloading graphs from the dashboard
- Sharing buttons in search & graphs pages toolbar
Released June 16, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Turn off old UI
- Remove references to old UI from all product docs
- Edit Batch Export documentation
Bug Fixes:
- “linkInviteDebugging” is too verbose (100K events/hour on prod)
- Parameters from Search Not Passed Correctly To Batch Export Page
- Read/limited user should not see Batch exports under Actions menu
Released June 9, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Product tasks for Bulk Export
Bug Fixes:
- 500 errors in console while rendering a dashboard with breakdown graphs
- Allow & in e-mail addresses
- Breakdown graphs in dashboard
- Change message returned by graph w/ timeout
- Fixed security vulnerability in bulk export ajax calls
- Log lines jump while scrolling up
- Manage Users: userid’s are ellipsed incorrectly
- Manage Users: when username is > 30 characters, deleting/hovering shows incorrect email
- When dashboard duration is set in JSON, the time menu shows wrong time.
- While making Value graphs, values are reverted post breakdown
Released June 2, 2018
New Features & Tasks
- Rename Bulk exports to “Batch exports to S3”
Bug Fixes:
- Change the message on the old site from a June 30 sunset to June 16.
Released May 26, 2018
Bug Fixes:
- “Your free trial expires in x days” should not be shown post payment
- Belly tank jumps around after doing “See in original log”
- Cannot create a saved search with parsed fields only
- Dashboards - populate text field in search with the current parameter value.
- Default Log View Settings Not Persisted
- Display settings in URL do not match view
- Filter in Dashboard Wizard Does Not Appear to Support Editing
- Hide log view in Billing page
- Manage Users - status shows invited/pending though the user is Active
- New dashboards destructively edits handcrafted JSON, removes filter
- Persist/remember when all system prefs are unchecked
- Trial expired banner does not go away post purchase
- When there are no new logview settings applied, do not show the butter post refresh/update/collapse navigation bar